Credit cards / Travellers Checks
Credit cards are only accepted by the major airline companies and by most of the bigger hotels and lodges. Do not rely on credit cards as a source of cash while in Tanzania. In some cases a surcharge will be added to credit card payments. We suggest that you take sufficient cash and use the credit card as a back-up only. Travellers checks are accepted at most banks and some hotels, however a surcharge normally apply to exchange travellers checks into cash. Please note many shops / hotels don’t accept travellers checks.
There are two seasons of rain in Tanzania: the long rainy period (monsoon) which runs from late March until June and a short rainy period, which runs from November until mid January. The long rains fall in heavy downpours, often accompanied by violent storms. The short rains tend to be much less severe.
The Tanzanian Shilling is the local currency, but travellers checks and cash in US$ are recommended. The current exchange rate is approximately Tsh 2100 = US$ 1. It is possible to change foreign currency at any Bureaux de Chance, which generally gives better rates than hotels and most banks. If you bring US $ cash or receive US $, please make sure the bank notes are in good condition with no cuts or damage and that the bank notes are not older than 2008.
Duty free
The following items may be imported into Tanzania, by travellers older than 18 years, duty free:
• 250g of tobacco or 50 cigars or 200 cigarettes
• One bottle of alcoholic beverage
• 580 ml of perfume
Prohibited Imports
• Unlicensed firearms and ammunition. Plants and plant products require a phytosanitary certificate.
Prohibited Exports
• The export of gold, diamonds and tanzanite, unless bought from a licensed jeweller is prohibited. Exporting souvenirs made from wildlife skins (this includes reptiles), shells and coral is forbidden.
The local electricity supply is 230 volts, 50 Hz. You will need to supply your own international standard adapter for your electrical appliances. Most hotels in Tanzania use plugs with 3 large flat prongs (“British” type – BS1363 system), however some hotels also use plugs similar to the “French” type (2 parallel prongs), but with an earth connector.
Health requirements
Yellow fever Vaccination
A viral infection transmitted by a day-time biting mosquito (Aëdes aegypti) typically found in urban, suburban, and rural areas. Only travelers coming from a country with risk of Yellow Fever transmission will require a Yellow Fever vaccination certificate.
If travelling through any of the following countries, will you need a vaccination card:
AFRICA – Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Sudan, Togo, Uganda.
AMERICAS – Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, French Guiana, Guyana, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Venezuela.
Tanzania is considered a low risk area for Yellow Fever. If you are coming to Tanzania without a vaccination card, make sure you take precaution against mosquito bites.
Travelers travelling from Tanzania to South Africa are required to have a Yellow Fever vaccination certificate upon entry to South Africa.
Please recheck regulations before travelling, as the above is subject to change without notice.
Tanzania has a moderate risk for Malaria. Malaria occurs in all areas below 1800 meters and we recommend that you take precautions against malaria prior to the commencement of your holiday. Please consult your doctor about these. Woman using oral contraceptives should consult their physicians before using prophylactics.
If planning to use Diamox on your Kilimanjaro hike, please consult your doctor as some malaria prophylactics cannot be used in conjunction with Diamox.
The best way to prevent contracting Malaria is to try and avoid mosquito bites by using an effect insect repellent, by sleeping under mosquito nets and to wear proper clothing after sunset. Adequate precautions must also be taken to avoid yourself being bitten by a mosquito.
Kindly contact your closest Travel Clinic or medical practitioner.
Recommended Immunisations
As a sensible precaution we recommend that you consider getting at least some of the following recommended immunisations:
-Hepatitis A – You can get Hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in Tanzania, regardless of where you are eating or staying.
-Typhoid – You can get Typhoid through contaminated food or water in Tanzania, especially if you are visiting smaller cities or rural areas.
Please check with your local travel clinic for the latest recommendations.
Immigration & customs
An onward ticket and sufficient funds are required when entering Tanzania. Tanzanian people are friendly and will always offer a helping hand.
It is strongly advised to take out travel insurance which should cover baggage as well as personal accident and medical insurance and specifically covering your Kilimanjaro expedition.
The official languages are Ki-Swahili and English. There are more than 120 tribal vernaculars.
Mainly Muslim, Christian and Traditional beliefs. Please keep in mind that you are entering a different country with strong religious customs.
As with any other town, walking alone at night is not advisable, and it is preferable to use taxis which are available at most hotels. Do not leave cash or valuables in your hotel room and use a safe deposit box.
Make use of a safe deposit box to keep your belongings safe, and do not leave anything of value lying around in your hotel room.
Visa and entry requirements
Visas are required by most visitors to Tanzania. Visas are available at your local Tanzanian Embassy. Costs vary from country to country. Visas are valid for 3 months. It is possible, however, to obtain a tourist’s visa for a single entry at any ONE of the FOUR MAIN ENTRIES into Tanzania -subject to the fulfilment of all immigration and health requirements-, for those who could NOT apply for visa from Tanzania Mission abroad. These are:
-Dar-es-Salaam International Airport
-Zanzibar International Airport
– Kilimanjaro International Airport
-Namanga Entry Point (Tanzania-Kenya boarder point)
Payment, at all these points, is in US Dollars or its equivalent in Sterling. For all other entry points in Tanzania, visitors must hold valid visa prior to approaching those entry points in Tanzania. However, in order to avoid unnecessary delays, those who proceed to Tanzania from a country where there IS a Tanzania Diplomatic Mission or Consular Office are strongly advised to obtain their entry visa prior to departure to Tanzania.
Tanzania Diplomatic Missions
Below is a list of Tanzania Diplomatic Missions.
363 Avenue Louise, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel.: (32-2) 6406500-27, (32-2) 64764749,
Fax: (32-2) 6468026
50 Range Road, Ottawa, Ontario KIN 8J4, Canada
Tel.: (1-613) 2321509, 7331349
Fax: (1-613) 2325184
No.53 Dong Liu, San Li Tun, Beijing, China
Tel.: (86-10) 65322344, (86-10) 65321719, (86-10)65325572,
Fax: (86-10) 5321695, (86-10) 65322394 or
Democratic Republic of Congo
142 Boulevard 30 Jin B.P.1612, Kinshasa, DRC
Tel: 34364
P.O. Box 1077, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Tel. (251-1) 518155, Direct Line: (251-1) 511063 Fax: (251-1) 517358,
13 Av. Raymond, Poinacare, 75116 Paris, France
Tel: (33-1)53706368, 53706369,53706370
Theaterplatz 26, 5300 Bonn 2, Germany
Tel.: (49-228) 358514 (49-228) 353219
Fax: (49-228) 358226
10/1 Sav Priya Vihar, New Delhi 110016, India
Tel: (91-11) 6853046-7, 6968409, 6968406-7
Fax: (91-11) 6968410
Embassy of the Unite Republic of Tanzania
Via Cesare, Beccaria 88, 00196 Rome, Italy
Tel.: (39-6) 36005234, 32651471
Fax: (39-6) 3216611
21-9, Kamiyoga 4,Chome Setagaua-Ku, Tokyo 158, Japan
Tel.: (81-3) 34254531-3, 34284227
Fax: (81-3) 34257844,
Taifa Road, Re-insurance Plaza, 9th Floor, Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: (005-2) 331056-7, 331104 , 218269
Fax (005-2) 218269
Ujamaa House, Maputo, Mozambique
Tel: (258-1) 490110-3, 491165
Fax: (258-1) 494782
8 Agoro Odiyan Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: (00234-1) 613604
Fax : (00234-1) 610016/618908
Boulevard de L`Uganda, Telecom House, Block C 2nd Floor, Cacyiru B.P. 3973, Kigali, Rwanda
Pyatniskaya, Ulitsa 33, Moscow, Russia
Tel(7-095) 9538221, 9530940, 9566130, 9534975, 2349045
Fax : (7-095) 9566130
Saudi Arabia
P.O. Box 94320, Riyadh 11693, Saudi Arabia
Tel. (966-1) 4542833, 4549660
Fax: (966-1) 4565361 or
South Africa
845 Goont Avenue, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0007, South Africa
Tel: (012) 3424371-93, 3426378-9, 3424562
Fax: (012) 4304383
Oxtorgsgatan 2 – 4, Box 7255, 103-89, Stockholm, Sweden
Tel.: 08 244870,
Fax: (46-8) 109815 or 203 526
47 Avenue Blanc, CH 1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: (41-22) 7318920/7323752/ 7319461/ 7328255
Fax: (41-22) 7328255
6 Kagera Road, Kampala Uganda
Tel: (006-41) 256272/257357/342306
Fax (006-41) 343973/075-787838
United Kingdom
43 Heartford Street,London W1Y 8DB
Tel: (44-207) 4998951/ 4993627
Fax: (44-207) 4993627 or
United Arab Emirates
Street 12A, Al Safa 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: (971-4) 295 7770, 394 0200
Fax: (971-4) 394 9202
United State of America
205 East 42nd St. NY 10017, New York, U.S.A
Tel. (1-212) 9729160,9729123
Fax: (1-212) 6825232
2139 R, Str, NW. Washington D.C. 200008 U.S.A
Tel: (1-202) 8841080, 8841082
Fax: (1-202) 7977408
Ujamaa House, No. 4200, United Nations Avenue, 10101 Lusaka, Zambia
Tel.(260-1) 243222-4, 250826
Fax ( 260-01) 254861
High Commission for the United Republic of Tanzania
Ujamaa House, 23 Baines Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: (263-4) 721870/722627
Fax: (263)724172
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